Happy New Years Eve everyone! Firstly, a massive thank you for the best year ever, here's to another great year, I have an endless list of things that I want to achieve so I better get working! Here's my final post of 2013, uhoh that seriously is scary. I thought I'd do an outfit of the day for you so here it is...
Top: Primark (crazy, I know!)
Hair Scrunchie: Claires Accessories
Watch: C/O Daniel Wellington
I didn't think I'd evere like velvet leggings but they're so comfy and actually don't look too bad.
Dirty Shoes (oops): Garage Shoes. Identical ones available from MissGuided here.
Bracelet: LVNDR
Nails: Claires Accessories glitter varnish
Make Up Of The Day: Silver Liner by Urban Decay
L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara (click link for full review)
Burberry Lipstick in Redwood.
Sorry about my face haha, I've not got the hang of fashion posts just yet.
Have a great New Years Eve everyone!
Lots of love, Em x
What are your plans for NYE? Do you have any New Years resolutions?
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