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Friday 12 July 2024

Amazon Alexa Review - Best Ways To Use The Amazon Alexa - Is The Amazon Alexa Worth It?

Ad affiliate throughout - Hello hello, I was laughing the other day when my Mum told me that my two youngest relatives, on holiday in Italy, innocently asked what the plastic handles on the car doors were for. Their laughter bubbled over when my cousin explained they were manual crank window handles.  They were completely unfamiliar with anything other than electric car windows and thought manual ones must have been back in the 'olden days'. That brought home to me just how immersed our world is now in technology and it made me reflect on the era of smart technology and just how cool the Amazon Alexa is. When my Mum first got an Amazon Alexa  she weirdly thought it was for older people for some reason but gosh she is now reliant on it for an increasing number of things and I'm here to tell you just how amazing the Amazon Alexa is. If you were thinking of buying an Amazon Alexa, I am here to tell you the best ways to use the Amazon Alexa and give you a review of the Amazon Alexa.  In fact for the rest of this blog post I will refer to the Amazon Alexa as just Alexa and 'she' because she is one strong woman who delivers a lot. If you were thinking of buying the Amazon Alexa but are wondering if it's worth it, you're in the right place.

This Amazon Alexa review is also for you if you have the Amazon Alexa but are maybe not getting enough out of it and using it to it's full potential. You might not even know just how many ways there are to use the  Amazon Alexa  but I'm here to help you.

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From managing my daily routines to controlling my smart home devices, I find Alexa so versatile that I now integrate her in to so many aspects of my life - she is indispensable to me and when I think hard about it, I realise that she has completely revolutionised the way I interact with my surroundings.  Today I want to delve in to some of the top uses for the Amazon Alexa.

So what actually is an Amazon Alexa?

Alexa is a virtual assistant developed by Amazon, capable of voice interaction through a speaker.  She's powered by artificial intelligence and can perform various tasks on her own or can control several smart devices when set up with the right equipment. 

Why does Amazon Alexa come with different speakers?

Just like any woman, Alexa appreciates variety in her appearance!  Seriously though, Alexa offers different speakers to cater to diverse needs and preferences of users.  While all Alexa-enabled devices share the same core functionality of voice integration with the Alexa virtual assistant, they vary in terms of features, sound quality, design and intended use cases. 

For example some Alexa speakers such as the Echo Studio are designed to deliver high-quality sound with features such as premium audio components and enhanced bass - these are ideal for music enthusiasts who prioritise audio quality. 

Amazon also offers speakers in various shapes and sizes to fit different spaces and personal aesthetic preference - there are compact speakers like the Echo Dot or the Echo Show with a built-in display for visual interactions. 

Certain Alexa speakers such as the Echo Plus come with additional smart home hub capabilities allowing you to control compatible smart home devices without the need for separate hubs.

Some Alexa speakers like the Dot are designed to be portable so can go wherever you go.

Certain Alexa speakers such as the  Echo Dot Kids Editions 5th Generation offer features tailored for families including parental controls and child friendly content and the ability to make voice calls and send messages. 

Finally of course cost is a factor too with speakers at different price points to accommodate various budgets. 

Echo Show 5 3rd Generation

How do I set up the Amazon Alexa?

I have a basic understanding of technology compared to many and I have so say I found Alexa easy to set up.  Simply unbox her, plug her in, download the Alexa App on your phone and follow the prompts.  Connect her to your wi-fi network and, voila, Alexa is waiting to assist you. The app guides you through the setup process step by step, ensuring it is an easy peasy experience for anyone (I promise). 

How does voice-activated Smart Home Control work on the Amazon Alexa?

I've found one of the most appealing feature of the Amazon Alexa for me is its seamless integration with smart home devices.  Alexa works with smart home devices by connecting to them through wifi.  When connected the devices can be controlled using voice commands either through the speaker or via the Alexa app on your phone (or website).  

Whether you have smart lights, thermostats, smart locks or even kitchen appliances such as coffee machines, Alexa can serve as a central hub for controlling them all through your voice and again, it is simpler than you think.  We control our projector screen and lights with Alexa and to this day I am still amazed when I say 'Alexa, bring down the projector screen' and she does!

How do I connect my appliances to Alexa?

So how on earth does one achieve this I hear you ask?  Firstly and most importantly you have to choose appliances that are compatible with Amazon Alexa.  For example, we have the Ring Doorbell.  When you are buying electronic home products ask the question before buying - are they compatible with Alexa? Many home items are now compatible and will say so on the box.  If they are, once the item is installed correctly in your home (eg our doorbell is mounted on the door frame outside) you simply open the Alexa app or go to the Alexa website, search for the associated Alexa skill e.g. Ring for Ring doorbell or Nest for Nest Hello Doorbells and follow the simple instructions (this usually just involves signing in with your account credentials to pair the appliance). 

From there on you can customise your setting, so again, in the example of the door bell I have announcements set up when someone arrives at my door and to show me who has arrived - Alexa simply activates and tells me that someone is at my front door and shows me who they are - super reassuring right?

Another example is for lighting - I have a number of lamps that were bought before I got Alexa and I wanted to make them in to smart lamps.  By using the Smart plug I was able to plug in my lamp and connect in to the my WI-FI network and name the device.  I then went on to the Alexa app, found the skill for the lamp and synced it and voila!  You can also buy a Smart Lamp too which integrates in the same way.

Please note that for some of this integration to happen other cables and devices are needed such as The Alexa Smart Bulb or The Alexa Smart Plus but seriously these are not expensive and instructions are all in the app. Between the app and the Amazon Smart Home Devices hub, you really will have all you need to transform your home in to a smart home. 

If you don't want to get really techy though, beyond smart home control, Alexa offers a vast array of capabilities to really help streamline your day to day activities.  Below are some of the standard features that Alexa came with to help make me so much more efficient: 
Amazon Smart Plug

Personalised Daily Routines

One of my favourite areas of use is in helping me with my shopping list - as the week progresses I think of things I need in my weekly shop which I'd forgot unless I make a note of them.  I simply say 'Alexa put coconut water on my shopping list' and she does.  When I'm ordering my shopping I ask Alexa to play back all the items on my shopping list so that I can select them on my on-line order. This is also super helpful when I'm looking at a recipe - I can ask Alexa to show me a recipe for something and then simply her to add all the ingredients to my shopping list, it is so handy (if she adds anything I already have in stock I can simply remove it from the list). 

I also set reminders so many reminders on Alexa - whether it's a reminder about an appointment or something I need to do and I always ask her for weather updates. 

Echo Show 5 3rd Generation

Entertainment Hub

Alexa is so good at playing my favourite music.  I'll ask her to play my favourite Justin Bieber songs and I have a list of them played instantly. By searching the various Skills section in the Alexa app or on the Alexa website you can listen to audiobooks, podcasts or even play interactive games all through simple voice commands.  You can also link your preferred service account to Alexa too so for example if you already pay for Spotify you can link your existing account in the Alexa app. 

What if I want to stop Alexa in the middle of something?

Alexa is super obedient.  There is many a time when I'm listening to a play list for example and I want to skip to the next song.  I simply say 'Alexa, play the next song' and she moves.  You can pause, stop, resume, skip backwards, repeat and Alexa will never get annoyed with you!

Information Gateway

I can't even begin to tell you how much I draw on Alexa's wealth of information and vast knowledge base to ask just about everything.  Whether it's quick answers to something Matt and I are unsure of, facts on different things, updates on the news, stock exchange or recipes Alexa delivers every time! 

Health and Wellness Support

Why not allow Alexa to assist with your health and wellness goals? Again, by using the various features and skills in the app, Alexa can guide you through workouts, yoga sessions, meditation exercising and sleep sounds and relaxation routines.  Alexa can also sync with fitness trackers and apps like Fitbit or MyFitnessPal to provide updates on your activity levels, calorie intake and other health metrics.

For other health benefits, Alexa can provide general health tips and information, offer motivational quotes, positive affirmations or suggest relaxation techniques to support mental well being.  Some third party health providers even offer Alexa skills that allow you to schedule appointments, refill prescriptions or receive health related information from your healthcare provider. 

So there you have it!  Did you know there was so much to the Amazon Alexa? If you were wondering if the Amazon Alexa is worth it, hopefully this review has helped you to see just HOW much is possible   Through reminder set ups, creating shopping lists, scheduling appointments and so much more I have come to realise just how much Alexa aids my productivity.  From an entertainment point of view I have facts, figures, music, podcasts and the news at my finger tips and to top it all, Alexa is not just a virtual assistant, she is a gateway to a smarter, more connected home.  With the intuitive setup process, seamless integration with smart home devices and loads of different skills capabilities, Alexa is appreciated so much by me and has become my indispensable friend and I couldn't do life without her now she is in it. Alexa, I appreciate you so much!

Lots of love, Em x

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